Kingwood Dangerous Drug Lawyer

Not all medication is safe just because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves it for sale. Are you suffering devastating side effects after taking a prescription medicine or an over-the-counter drug? Our dedicated personal injury attorneys can help you pursue financial compensation. Having a skilled Kingwood dangerous drug lawyer on your side to confront the pharmaceutical industry can make a substantial difference in recovering your damages.

Being on the Market Doesn’t Make a Drug Safe

While many pharmaceuticals on the market are safe for consumption, others fall short. For a medication to be approved and marketed, the FDA requires drug manufacturers to go through rigorous testing, report their findings, and adhere to labeling regulations. Despite these safeguards, devastating side effects can arise after a drug’s release to the market.

When the manufacturer fails to comply with FDA standards, dangerous drugs can cause countless debilitating conditions, such as:

  • Weakened bones
  • Complications of existing conditions
  • Blood clots
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Cancer
  • Death

Gathering the Facts

The strength of your hazardous drug case largely depends on the facts surrounding your undue injury or illness. Our seasoned Kingwood attorneys hire skilled investigators and expert witnesses to testify on your behalf about the dangers that a certain drug poses to consumers. Specific knowledge of biology, chemistry, and manufacturing procedures by case experts can help us understand what went wrong with a particular medication. These experts will carefully review documents related to the drug development process.

If the drug caused wide-spread harm, the best course of action might be a class-action lawsuit.

Sometimes more than one person or company may be liable for the injury. Texas Civil Practice & Remedy Code §82 allows affected patients to pursue compensation from several potentially liable parties. In addition to drug companies, patients harmed by dangerous drugs may hold healthcare workers, pharmaceutical companies, and other medical professionals liable under TX Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code §74.101.

Obtaining Compensation

TX Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code §41 allows individuals affected by dangerous medications to recover compensation for medical costs, lost earnings, emotional distress, pain and suffering, and even death. In some cases, you may also be awarded punitive damages, which are intended to punish the at-fault party and deter others from acting similarly in the future.

Pharmaceutical companies are reluctant to acknowledge defects in their medications. Drug companies regularly rely on agency approval and overall compliance with FDA requirements as a defense. A company’s ability to prove that a medication adheres to FDA rules, however, is not the end of a dangerous drug case.

The use of harmful medications can result in catastrophic consequences regardless of FDA approval. An improperly tested drug can therefore create civil liability for its manufacturers as well as the pharmaceutical companies that sell it. Our diligent legal team can help you understand the role that these parties may have played in your dangerous medication case.

Stand up to Powerful Companies by Hiring a Kingwood Dangerous Drug Attorney

Medication manufacturers and other healthcare providers have insurance coverage and well-trained attorneys to beat dangerous drug claims. If you took a medication as instructed and were injured or became ill as a result, you may have legal recourse. Our Kingwood dangerous drug lawyers are ready to represent you and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Contact Haines Law today to get started.

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