Auto Defect Accidents in Pasadena

Car wrecks are not always caused by driver negligence. Sometimes the cause of an accident can be traced back to a manufacturing defect or a flaw in the design of the vehicle. You rely on your car’s brakes, tires, steering, accelerator, and other major systems to function in a certain way. When one of these systems fails, the results are often catastrophic.

Hundreds of independent companies are involved in manufacturing the components that make up automobiles. Any company that puts a dangerous product into the stream of commerce can be held responsible for the resulting damages. If you were injured in a car wreck and believe that it was caused by a defective product, reach out to a Pasadena auto accident lawyer who will investigate your claim and provide aggressive advocacy.

Auto Defect Issues We Handle

Auto defects typically affect numerous drivers or passengers across the country. In the past decade alone, these types of defects have led to significant litigation resulting in millions of dollars in compensation for injured drivers and the survivors of those killed as a result of an auto defect.

The following are some auto defects that have occurred in the past:

  • Seatbelts that detached from buckles
  • Faulty cruise control switches
  • Nonfunctional parking breaks
  • Defective engines that cause rapid acceleration

At our firm, we utilize engineering, manufacturing, and safety experts to identify and prove a product defect. Once we have established a product defect, our attorneys get to work proving that the defect actually caused the wreck that resulted in your personal injury.

Holding Car Manufacturers Responsible for Auto Defect Crashes in Pasadena

Auto manufacturers and companies that create auto products are responsible for the safety testing of their products. When they allow vehicles with auto defects to be on the road, they put not only customers but other innocent individuals in danger. At Haines Law, P.C., we do not sit back while such injustices go on. We aggressively advocate for clients in these cases, taking on big insurance companies and vehicle manufacturers on their behalves. We know how to fight and never back down, boasting a relentless approach to each case.

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    Suite A Kingwood , TX 77339
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    (281) 361-3191