Kingwood Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing home residents and their families rely on nursing home facilities to provide a safe and secure environment for their residents. Even in the most unexpected ways, neglect can happen. If your loved one suffered abuse at the hands of trusted caregivers, give us a call.

Contacting one of our Kingwood nursing home abuse lawyers can make all the difference in your ability to seek justice for your family. An experienced personal injury attorney from Haines Law will evaluate your case, investigate the circumstances of the mistreatment, and build a compelling case for negotiation or a civil lawsuit.

Federal Nursing Home Regulations

When a nursing home receives funds from the government, they must comply with the Nursing Home Reform Act’s (NHRA) general standards of care. According to the NHRA, assisted living facilities and nursing homes must operate in a way that respects and dignifies their residents while providing a requisite level of care from adequately trained staff.

Nursing homes must offer residents adequate medical care and nutrition with safe and hygienic facilities. Care plans must also be implemented with sufficient medical staff who are trained to care for and treat elderly residents.

Unfortunately, some nursing homes are negligent or are unaware of these regulations causing residents to suffer physically, emotionally, and psychologically. A Kingwood nursing home mistreatment attorney can assist you in determining whether a facility may have violated the NHRA, state health and safety code, or tort law in a way that gives rise to civil liability.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Abuse and neglect committed by nursing home staff members can have serious consequences for residents who are physically, mentally, and emotionally vulnerable. Examples of nursing home abuse include:

  • Financial abuse such as blackmail, extortion, or theft
  • Emotional abuse like verbal assault, yelling, or swearing
  • Physical abuse such as sexual assault, pushing, hitting, or kicking
  • Improper use of physical restraints
  • Neglect

Physical signs of distress such as unexplained bruises, cuts, broken bones, or bedsores may indicate that abuse is taking place. A resident gaining or losing weight in a short amount of time or failing to keep up with personal hygiene may also be signs of abuse or neglect.

Additionally, a resident experiencing abuse may become withdrawn, refuse to see family or friends, or even cover-up the violence they are experiencing under the threat of abusive staff members. If settlement negotiations with a facility’s insurance provider are unsuccessful, an injured resident or their family may seek damages for medical bills resulting from nursing home abuse, and physical pain and suffering through a civil claim.

Contact a Kingwood Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

Our team of attorneys can empower you during negotiations and ensure that any settlement offers meet your future needs. Holding an abusive facility accountable can be made easier with the assistance of our firm. Our Kingwood nursing home abuse lawyers can fight to protect your rights in and out of the courtroom. Call Haines Law today to get started on your case.

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