League City Burn Injury Lawyer

Whether they stem from exposure to extreme heat, caustic chemicals, or electric currents, severe burns are especially painful injuries. If you or a loved one suffered a second- or third-degree burn as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be able to recover damages for permanent scarring, loss of sensation, loss of mobility, and even significant financial and emotional losses.

Fortunately, our League City burn injury lawyers can help you seek maximum compensation for your losses. Once retained, our dedicated catastrophic injury attorneys will work diligently to collect evidence of fault, prove liability for the accident that caused your or your loved one’s burn, and obtain a comprehensive settlement on your behalf.

Causes and Effects of Heat-Related Injuries

Many heat-related injuries can be attributed to negligence by one or more individuals. For example, if a house fire starts because of a spark from a faulty wire that an electrician failed to fix, that electrician could be held liable for damages to the household’s residents and their personal property. Car crashes also commonly lead to burn injury settlements and lawsuits because contact with oil, gas, or fire in the aftermath of a collision can have devastating consequences for a vehicle’s occupants.

While first-degree burns generally do not require medical intervention, second-degree burns that penetrate multiple layers of skin may necessitate expensive and ongoing medical care to minimize scarring and other long-term effects. Likewise, third-degree burns may permanently destroy nerve endings, and fourth-degree burns can cause life-threatening damage to tendons, muscle tissue, and even bones. In addition to various other damages, one of our League City attorneys can incorporate any medical costs you incur as a result of another person’s negligence into a comprehensive settlement demand.

Potential Obstacles to Civil Recovery in League City

There are several legal roadblocks in the state of Texas that could impede both settlement negotiations and civil lawsuits involving burn injuries. For instance, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §33.012 gives local courts the authority to proportionately reduce a plaintiff’s recoverable compensation if it is found that they bear a percentage of fault for their accident. Additionally, TX Civil Prac. & Rem. Code §33.001 prevents civil recovery altogether for any plaintiff who bears more responsibility than the defendant for their own burn injuries.

Defense attorneys and insurance companies know all about this modified comparative fault system and often try to take advantage of it during settlement negotiations, manipulating available evidence and statements to make it look like you are to blame for your own injuries. Assistance from our burn accident lawyers is often critical to contesting these kinds of allegations and maximizing settlement value. The legal team at Haines Law can also help ensure that the negotiation process begins before the two-year statutory deadline set by TX Civil Prac. & Rem. Code §16.003 expires.

Get Help from a League City Burn Injury Lawyer

Severe burns can alter the course of your entire life in physical, financial, and emotional ways. By working with our League City burn injury lawyers, you can hold the person who caused your or your loved one’s injuries accountable for their negligent behavior. To set up your initial consultation, call Haines Law today.

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